According to Atticus, cats are where it's ats.
I mean, we totally get it. To everyone else he's just a baby but to us he's special enough that he gets his own whizzbang website. We reckon that if he looked at you like the way he looks at us, you'd probably want to make him a website too.
According to Atticus, cats are where it's ats.
Robots are cool because they beep.
Playing cars or watching cars, Atticus loves cars.
With Lego or Mobilo, Attico like to buildo.
From space to deep underwater, Atti is fascinated with the natural world.
There is no fiercer or more majestic a creature than the dragon. Fear it.
Playing with planes, people and playstations.
Atti loves getting lost in books. Sometimes he stays up late reading.
Pens, pencils, textas and chalk. Atti makes art come alive.